The order has been placed for our new missals from Ignatius Press. We will let you know when they arrive.
They will be in effect starting with the First Sunday of Advent November 29, 2020 and will be available in two versions, one in English and the other in Spanish.
For those who would like a single missal that has all the readings for every Sunday and Daily Mass I recommend the Daily Roman Missal published by the Midwest Theological Forum. It is what I use and contains a lengthy section on devotions which are very helpful. I use it for Benediction and when I pray the Stations of the Cross, for example.
The ISBN for the Hardcover Black version is 978-1-936045-56-3 but there are several other versions. Keep in mind that it is a general Daily Missal and will require some practice to locate each reading depending on the day and the year. It will also not have the hymns that we will be singing.